Corporate offices
Office spaces are challenging to clean effectively – they combine presentation and function. This requires an intelligent, blended approach, which is where JR&Co excels.
Locations range from reception areas where appearance is paramount, through kitchens and bathrooms, to spaces containing expensive electrical equipment. And with the changes of use brought on by hybrid working, our clients need even more flexibility.

Unobtrusive polish
We work with some of London’s most prestigious law firms and financial services companies, along with professional service firms, charities, retailers, and investment and managing agents.
We understand that your office represents your business to both your clients and your employees. It must stay welcoming and attractive throughout the day while remaining immaculate. Cleaning must be both intelligent and unobtrusive.
We’ve helped clients rise to the challenge of accommodating new expectations. Flexible working and increased video and collaboration technology means fewer people in offices. In many cases this has meant quieter Mondays and Fridays, letting us divert resources to other types of cleaning, maximising what we can achieve.
Our experience
JR&Co Sustainability Report 2024

Sustainability is a vital part of our approach to cleaning. We are determined to run our business as ethically and sustainably as possible, because we believe we owe that to our clients, our people and the planet.
To find out more about how far we’ve come, and how it could benefit your business, download our latest sustainability review.
What sets us apart